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ACT Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards

View the winners from the 2024 Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards.

2024 Winners


The Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards celebrate people with disability who are leaders in our community and recognises those who welcome, collaborate with, support, and improve the experience and outcomes for people with disability in the workplace, business and community.

The 2024 Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards have been given a contemporary and refreshed look to better incorporate contemporary understandings of disability and inclusion.

The refreshed Chief Minister’s Inclusion Awards has 6 Awards:

1 – Leader in Inclusion

Recognises a person with disability who is a leader in community. The nominee will have made a significant personal contribution to creating change that promotes the full and equal participation of all people in the ACT.

The finalists were:

Liam Adams

Carol Jennings

John Brookes

Jason Schmidt

Sam Nugent

Lauren Cannell

Ravi Krishnamurthy

Holly Diggle

Malik Haroon Munir

Sara Stanley

Luka Musicki

Sarah McCluskey | Billy Cart Behaviour

Tess Yvanovich

Patricia Falcetta | Social Living Solutions

Andrew Pfeiffer

Andrew Shim


The winner was: Ravi Krishnamurthy

Ravi Krishnamurthy has been a relentless force for change in the Canberra community for more than 20 years. His has actively advocated across legislative reform, improvement and equality in health services, creating meaningful change for his community.

A commendation was awarded to: Jason Schmidt

2 – Excellence in Inclusive and Innovative Employment Practices

Recognises initiatives that deliver improved access or employment outcomes for people with disability by creating positive open employment experiences or opportunities.

The finalists were:

Avneesh Gupta

Nexus Human Services

Shift & Co

Feros Care

Forward to the Future

The Apollo Neurodiversity Program

Luka Musicki

Embrace Disability Group

Canberra Business Chamber’s Skills & Inclusion Program

Sarah McCluskey | Billy Cart Behaviour


The winner was: The Apollo Neurodiversity Program

The Apollo Neurodiversity Program offers neurodivergent individuals a career in ICT within the Australian Public Service. It provides professional development, support, and coaching for a year, fostering a diverse workforce dedicated to Australia’s prosperity and security.

A commendation was awarded to: Embrace Disability Group

3 – Excellence in Collaborating with People with Disability

Recognises outstanding consultation and co-design efforts and the creation of strong, equal partnerships with people with disability. The nominee will have delivered improved outcomes, while amplifying the diverse experiences, views and needs of people with disability.

The finalists were:

Avneesh Gupta

Wellcare Australia

Ravi Krishnamurthy

Sara Stanley

Shift & Co.

Forward to the Future

Safer Me Safer You

Luka Musicki

Sarah McCluskey | Billy Cart Behaviour

Marija Lemic

Andrew Pfeiffer

Australian Autism Alliance

John Brookes


The winner was: Safer Me Safer You Project Advisory Group

Safer Me Safer You Project Advisory Group, by Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT, has set a benchmark for inclusive codesign. All with lived experience of disability the group is helping to codesign a future where people with disability, inclusive of all identities, experience social and sexual safety.

A commendation was awarded to: Shift & Co

4 – Excellence in Access and Inclusion

Recognises an organisation or individual who took action to enhance the full and
effective participation of people with disability through:

  • promoting the benefits of inclusion to the whole community,
  • creating an environment that includes and values people with disability, and
  • improving access to information and environment, including social

The finalists were:

Junior All Abilities Touch Football

Carol Jennings

Avneesh Gupta

Cassandra Hanbridge

Vendra Begonja

Fatima Moulic

Sam Nugent

Amy Hosie

Netball ACT

ACT Education Directorate’s Inclusion Principal’s Advisory Group

Jaimie Horrobin

Ravi Krishnamurthy

Malik Haroon Munir

John Brookes

Rowing ACT

Shift & Co

Forward to the Future

Feros Care

Luka Musicki

Ryan Johnson

Annette Melia

Gillian Sinclair

Emily Lindsley

Clare Newman

Sarah McCluskey

St Vincent de Paul’s Compeer Program

Jodie McGurgan

ACT Down Syndrome and Intellectual Disability Association

Canberra Community Law

Beth Nasser and Sadie Penny: National Folk Festival

ACT Electoral Commission.

Community Home Australia

Australian Autism Alliance

Sara Stanley

Hands On Studio


The winner was: Netball ACT

Netball ACT the 2024 All Abilities Netball program enabled people with disability to play netball in a mainstream competition, and enjoy the physical, psychological, and social benefits of the game. From weekly competition to competing in the Marie Little Shield Championship, the organisation exemplifies inclusivity in sport.

A commendation was awarded to: Canberra Community Law

5 – Excellence in Innovation and Impact

Recognises exceptional, creative and forward-thinking approaches that advance
and welcome people with disability in the workplace, business and community.

The finalists were:

Liam Adams

Carol Jennings

Ian Bennett | Dice for Diversity

Avneesh Gupta

Derek Brewer | Panache Driver Training

Ruth O’Brien

Netball ACT

The Folk House at Havelock Housing

Warehouse Circus

Ravi Krishnamurthy

Holly Diggle

Shift & Co

Shane Schembri

Luka Musicki

Annette Melia

Sarah McCluskey

Maria Edwards

Missing School Inc

Patricia Falcetta

Rebus Theatre

Australian Autism Alliance


The winner was: Derek Brewer

Derek Brewer is the founder of ‘Panache Special Needs Driver Training Program’ which supports neurodivergent learner drivers and other learner drivers with disability. The program is tailored to the individual.

A commendation was awarded to: Rebus Theatre

6 – Sue Salthouse Award for Championing Humans Rights and Equality

Recognises excellence in the promotion and fulfillment of human rights for people
with disability.

The finalists were:

Lauren Cannell

Melinda McFadden

Ravi Krishnamurthy

Molly and Maple Book Project Team

Malik Haroon Munir

Sara Stanley

Luka Musicki

Sarah McCluskey

Renée Heaton

Australian Autism Alliance


The winner was: Renée Heaton

Renée Heaton is a powerful, impactful advocate and leader who has led the ACT Disability Reference Group for almost four years. Her strategic advice guided the government in responding to the needs of people with disability during COVID-19 in an effort to ensure vital information, services and supports were accessible to all.

A commendation was awarded to:  Melinda McFadden

Past winners

See previous nominees and winners.